October 5th, 2010   8 comments

Today was yet another slow Charlotte news day.  Her neutrophil numbers are still rock bottom so we are planning on spending a while yet at the hospital.  Dr Diamond was not in the office today so I will have to ask her tomorrow to see what her thoughts are on the rest of the week for Charlotte.  I hope she still thinks this is normal and nothing to worry about.

Amy met with the Nurse Practitioner today to discuss things we may need to know for our eventual trip home.  They also went over Charlotte’s treatment plan and what to expect in the coming months.  It sounds like a stem cell or bone marrow transplant will be very much considered and so far, everything we know about that sounds dangerous and scary to us.  One more hurdle to clear I guess in the long road ahead for Charlotte and us.

G&G Elske came today and that perked Charlotte up a little bit.  We are still seeing her become less excited about the options she has available to her here.  She can only make so many hallway walks.  She can only spend so much time in the play rooms.  And both Mommy and I feel the same.  It would be a little easier to take if we were like almost everyone else we see here.  Some children are here for only a day or two.  We have been here so long that we have already seen one young girl come and go three different times.  The treatment plan for everyone else is only a couple of days in here and the rest at home.  The more we think about that, the more jealous we are of their situation.  We are grateful that Charlotte still has the energy she has at this point in her treatment, but there is just no outlet here for her to express it all.  We miss our dog.  We miss our yard.  We miss seeing her chase after Broadway…life is beginning to get very much the same here and it is not going to get any better I am sure.   Our patience is really getting thin with staff too.  Suddenly we’ve been assigned several new nurses and we are tired of “training” every new person that enters Charlotte’s room.  Naps and night time sleeping have been affected as well and this makes for even grumpier attitudes.  And unfortunately we haven’t been impressed with these new staff and are keeping our fingers crossed that we have familiar faces tomorrow.  We also found out that after Charlotte undergoes the bone marrow biopsy on the 14th, it will take up to 5 days to get the results!  We don’t even want to think about the anxiety we will be undergoing during those 5 days.

On a brighter side, the date and time for Charlotte’s musical benefit has been selected and we are very excited.  Everyone mark your calendars for Thursday, November 4th at 7pm at the High Noon Saloon in Madison. Watch for more details to follow.

Posted October 6, 2010 by L. Elske in Uncategorized

8 responses to “October 5th, 2010

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  1. Big hugs all around from all of us here!!! We love you!!

    Steven & Terry Licitar
  2. Sorry to hear things are not going your way. Continued prayers that those darn numbers go up and you get to go home for a bit to get away from the mundane routine and not so great new faces. Love to all 🙂

  3. With familiarity comes monotony, and the inability to change things brings frustration. It is a tough blessing that Charlotte feels good enough to be bored with her surroundings, and that her parents are aware enough to know that she needs more invigorating experiences. We will continue to pray for her numbers to rise, her energy to remain high and the day to go home is soon.

  4. Sorry to hear about the let down take each day one at a time. It will turn around and things will get better. Think of the song One Day at a time Sweet Jesus that all I ask of you. Keep your spirit up. You guys will get to home soon.

    Joe & Sue Kaminski
  5. Hey there Lon & Amy and lil’ Charlotte! Sorry the numbers are not up high enough to go home today. Will pray the numbers increase significantly so home is in the making soon. Understand the “cabin fever” that you must ALL be going through. What a tough life you are living right now. But know that when it is all told, you will be happy you lived it so that Charlotte can succeed!

    I don’t post every day, but know I check the blog every day and Lynnie keeps me updated as well. All our love to you. The kids keep Charlotte in their prayers daily (Charlotte remains on our prayer board at home).

  6. The Foerster family is thinking of you all and praying for you everyday. We have Charlotte’s beautiful 2yr old picture on the fridge and we look at it often and all say our own little prayers for her. I have faith that her numbers will come up soon and that you will be able to take your little princess home. I read the blog often and am very thankful that you have so many wonderful people in your lives to help you through this. Stay strong! WE LOVE YOU!!

  7. Hi Charlotte –
    I wasn’t around when this happened but my dad spent some time in the hospital 6 years ago because his heart wasn’t cooperating. There were up and down days for him and mommy, but in the end it all worked out. Keep your spirits and spunk up! God has good plans for you.
    By the way, I have recently learned to pray and mommy and I pray for you each night. Give your mommy and daddy hugs and kisses as often as you can…

  8. I’m sure that staff has to come and go, but if there is a situation or staff member that you are not happy with, or if there is one that you prefer, make your voice heard. It is within your right and YOU know what is best for Charlotte. We’re praying for you all, keep fighting the good fight!

    Kim Kirchberg Lafler

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